This circuit is made up of two integrated circuits: an analogue to digital converter (CA3162), and a decoder of seven segments (CA3161).
That simple power supply is based on the usual 12 volts 7812 voltage regulator.
That power supply may be configured, because depending on our voltage regulator, we’ll get more and less current at its output.
With the familiar LM338K voltage regulator and a high-powered transistor, the 2N6031, we have set up a powerful 10-amp variable power supply.
This precise full-wave-rectifier is a circuit made to rectify those values that a normal bridge rectifier cannot rectify.The diminution of the diode bridge rectifier’s typical power is (obviously, it depends on the type of the diodes) of the 0,7 volts-an approximate value.
This circuit is composed of two integrated circuits. A digital analogue converter (CA3162) and a seven segment decoder (CA3161).
The project that we present here is a meter of volts, amps and watts, to which we have also incorporated a temperature sensor to activate a fan, or other mechanism that we want, through a relay.
With a simple circuit and a microcontroller pic, 16F873A model, we designed this digital voltmeter in addition to any power source.